
Showing posts from August, 2020

Making graphs

We had a class survey on an imaginary lunch menu for Carlton school.  First we collected the data on what was chosen. We organised the data so we could present this information into three different graphs.  The first graph we made was a bar graph. Then we took the information and glued it onto paper to make a strip graph. To make the last graph, we joined the ends of the strip together and made it into a pie graph. Chalk was used to mark the different parts.  We learnt that the data doesn't change when the information is presented differently. Also, a savoury muffin was a popular choice in our class. 

A visit from Harold

Harold spent some time with He Puna Pūmanawa earlier this year to talk about being Bucket dippers and Bucket fillers. Each day we can make a choice on whether we fill or empty someone's bucket. We are a Bucket filler we make a person feel accepted, special and cared for. If we make someone feel awful and not listened to, we become Bucket dippers.  Have you been a Bucket filler today?